Gz- Qu’est-ce qui vous fatigue dans le milieu du Tango ?
I guess it’s implication of people’s ego in tango in different ways. For example, when people get offended for a refuse of dancing and stop saying hello to you after. I think any dancer has his right to choose, and the fact that someone refuses to dance is not meant to disvalue anyone. It’s a question of many factors, but people take it too personally. Also in tango we often look for being close to “important” tango figures, ignoring beginners like if they were less interesting people. Or some big dancers have an illusion that their amazing dance skills make them more important than others. I really appreciate modesty in tango and capability to dissociate dancing skills and personal relations.
Gz- Où et avec qui avez-vous découvert le Tango ?
I started dancing in Moscow with Russian teacher Anton Volkov and Anna , I was looking for trying some new dance and wanted to discover my feminity. So the word “tango” appreared in my head out of nowhere. I checked teachers around, watched couple of videos of dancers on youtube and chose them.
Gz- Pour vous où se joue l’avenir du Tango ?
Wow, that’s a very wide question! For me the future of tango is in new generations dancing it. I get a lot of inspiration from communities where people start dancing early, like in Belgrade, or couple of cities in Italy. It brings completely different energy, fresh ideas, open spirit and willing to share… I hope tango will move towards this direction and in the future there will be more possibilities, choices, more acceptance, sharing and less ignorance.
Gz- Un bon et un mauvais souvenir de Tango ?
There are so many amazing memories! Many fantastic meetings with people who became very important in my life out of tango. My best tango event – marathon Urbe 2 years ago, so full of joy, love, great music and every single tanda touching the soul.
Anther one- the greatest performance I’ve seen two years ago in Porec – performance of Gaston and Moira that made me cry and feel how much tango is about life. It is still one of my strongest tango impressions.
Bad memories – they don’t stay for long, but most of the time they are connected with disrespectful attitude of some men and sometimes my personal difficulties with integration in new communities.
Gz- 3 Tangos / 3 orchestres / 3 danseurs
Can I choose tango-waltzes? Between these 4 I can’t exlude anything!
Francisco Canaro – Toda una vida (waltz)
Francisco Canaro- Condena
Juan D’Arienzo – El Ultimo Cafe
Carlos Di Sarli – Un momento (waltz)
Orquestras… 3? impossible! – Canaro, Biagi, Di Sarli, Pugliese, Troilo, D’Arienzo.
3 dancers: Moira Castellano, Andres Molina, Chicho Frumboli
Gz- Quelle est la meilleur manière de terminer une Milonga ? Choisissez :
a) Les pieds douloureux après avoir tant dansé
b) A la recherche d’une « after » pour continuer.
c) En allant prendre un petit déjeuner.
d) Avec quelqu’un e
Autre, (précizez) :
The best way is coming from the milonga with you beloved friends, sharing the impressions, eating and laughing together!